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Quantum Healing Master Class: A Practitioner's Certificate Course
Welcome to the Masterclass: Namaste !!
Welcome to the Masterclass on Quantum Healing (3:05)
Introduction to the course on Quantum Healing
Quantum Healing Course- What you will Learn in this Master class (4:16)
Something about my Background (2:06)
Sachin's Journey in becoming a Healer (17:41)
Experience Entrainment as you go through the course (3:44)
Learn Quantum Healing in less than 10 Minutes before you learn it in complete details
A 9 minute guide on how to quickly learn and use Quantum Healing (8:21)
Healing Experiences
Healing Experience 1: Instant Relief from Phantom Pain (8:11)
Healing Experience 2: Healing of Back pain (6:23)
Healing Experience 3: Varicose Veins and Back pain relief (8:32)
Healing Experience 4: Relief from Periods Pain (Menstrual pain) (8:44)
Developing the competence required for a Healer
Competence of a Healer- The Three components (6:02)
The Belief, Attitude & Values that create the environment required for Healing (8:59)
Cause of Disease
Cause of a Disease due to disorder in Energy and Order (5:59)
Disease caused due to disturbance in Chakra Frequencies (9:06)
Disease caused due to a disturbed Mind or Emotions (7:36)
Quantum Healing Principles
Healing Principle 1: Infinite Potential and the Environment of Stillness (7:49)
Healing Principle 2: Going down to the deepest level of existence (6:29)
Healing Principle 3: Human Awareness helps in healing (12:22)
Healing Principle 4: Listening to the body's communication can result in healing (5:22)
Healing Principle 5: Love is a powerful scalar energy that can help in healing (2:32)
Summary of the Five Quantum Healing Principles (2:35)
Zero point No mind state and how it resolves psychosomatic issues (15:11)
Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Entrainment
Meaning of Quantum Entanglement and Entrainment (5:58)
Applying the Five Quantum Healing Principles
Putting the Five Quantum Healing principles into practice while doing healing (6:23)
Getting into the No-Mind state: The Zero Point (7:11)
Correcting the Three Regulatory Systems - Vata, Pitta and Kapha
The Three Regulatory systems of the Body (11:12)
Vata Pitta and Kapha: The Three Regulatory systems and how they get corrected (7:19)
Vata Pitta Kapha- Writeup
The Process of Quantum Healing
Introduction to the Quantum Healing Process (2:46)
The Appropriate setting for Healing (7:16)
Guidelines regarding when to do the healing session (10:01)
Understanding the Health Issue (3:39)
Making a Measurement of the health issue (3:21)
Setting an intention for Healing (5:22)
Listening to the Body's Communication -Part 1: Activating Sensitivity of Hands (10:57)
Listening to the Body's Communication -Part 2: Sensing the Body's Communication (13:21)
Doing a Healing session on Video Call
Guidelines for healing on Video call (5:26)
Healing Indicators that are observed during Quantum Healing
Introduction to Healing Indicators (12:09)
Different types of Healing Indicators that are commonly observed (9:04)
Practical Examples of healing indicators observed during the healing process (5:53)
Healing Indicator - Violent Shake of Body (3:56)
Healing Indicator - Vibration / Shaking of Body (3:16)
Healing Indicator- Vaat Release through Yawning (9:54)
Vaat Release through burping - A common Healing Indicator during Quantum Healing (4:51)
Demonstration: Learning how to sense the bio field communication using our hands
Sensing the Body's bio field communication using our hands (7:22)
Demonstration of Healing: Healing a painful elbow joint
Demonstration of Healing a painful elbow (22:51)
Demonstration of Healing Headache and Sinus Trouble
Demonstration of how healing is done for Headache and Sinus trouble (10:37)
Healing yourself using Quantum Healing
Healing oneself using Quantum Healing (7:26)
Dealing with Psychosomatic Health Issues
Healing Psychosomatic Issues (17:51)
Step by step approach to clear up emotional trauma blocked in the body (15:32)
Energy Vortices of our body
The 7 Chakras
Practice Activities
Practice Activities that will help you get better at Healing (8:20)
An Easy approach to achieving a Meditative state
How to achieve a deeply meditative state for healing (27:11)
Some more Healing Experiences
Healing Migraine using Quantum Healing (4:43)
Various Experiences of Healing Pain (14:57)
Healing Acne and Pimples using Quantum Healing (14:15)
Healing Squint Eyes and Back pain (8:17)
Quantum Healing works on anyone who is in proximity of the person being healed (9:33)
Healing Neck pain and Headache (3:43)
Healing a Frozen Shoulder (4:17)
Neck Pain and Stiff Shoulder after accident in early age (8:53)
Video Call Healing session -Neck pain and Stiff Shoulder (18:31)
Healing Fibromyalgia Pain (10:26)
Guidelines for starting your Journey in Healing
Guidelines for Starting Healing (8:21)
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
Can a Healer get affected by the Illness of the person being treated? Do we need to follow any rituals to protect ourselves from the illness or from Negative Energy? (2:48)
What is Vata? Why does Vata disorder cause Illness? (3:18)
Does one need to Believe in Quantum Healing for it to give results? (4:24)
Why does Quantum Healing give faster results as compared to Reiki? (4:42)
Why does the health condition at times seem to worsen after a Quantum Healing session? (10:55)
Why do we need to use our Hands? (5:19)
What is the right time in the day to do the healing (3:12)
Should it be done with the patient sitting or lying down (2:22)
How many sessions are required for getting cured (2:54)
Are there any side effects of this treatment (4:15)
Does this work on chronic issues and cancer (4:29)
Online Interview on Quantum Healing
Interview of Sachin Karve with Jessica Jake (58:46)
Closing Message by Sachin Karve
Closing message by Sachin Karve (2:14)
Link to e-Book on Instant Healing by Sachin
e-book link
Contact Details of Trainer
Sachin Karve
Neck Pain and Stiff Shoulder after accident in early age
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